Monday, March 31, 2008

Os Outros: J. M. Coetzee

"Will this man, in the course of his travels, ever come to Bristol? He yearns to meet the fellow in the flesh, shake his hand, take a stroll with him along the quayside and hearken as he tells of his visit to the dark north of the island, or of his adventures in the writing business. But he fears there will be no meeting, not in this life. If he must settle on a likeness for the pair of them, his man and he, he would write that they are like two ships sailing in contrary directions, one west, the other east. Or better, that they are deckhands toiling in the rigging, the one on a ship sailing west, the other on a ship sailing east. Their ships pass close, close enough to hail. But the seas are rough, the weather is stormy: their eyes lashed by the spray, their hands burned by the cordage, they pass each other by, too busy even to wave."

O estranho discurso do prêmio Nobel de 2003, J. M. Coetzee.

>> Living Darfur; Mattafix; Living Darfur

>> Chasing the Flame - Sergio Vieira de Mello and the fight to save the world; Samantha Power; The Penguin Press

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